With an illustrious career spanning nearly three decades, Anthony Kanaris embarked on his professional journey as a State Certified Residential Real Estate Appraiser in New York back in 1994. Following an enriching two-year apprenticeship with a revered appraisal firm based in East Islip, Long Island, he ventured to Hernando County, Florida, in 1996, where he laid the foundation for his independent business in the vibrant Tampa Bay area.
Throughout his tenure, Anthony has been a stalwart advocate for property owners across the Tampa Bay region, actively engaging in community initiatives and contributing significantly to its growth. His dedication to serving the community led to his appointment by Governor Charlie Crist to the Hernando County Housing Authority in August 2010.
Anthony’s commitment to safeguarding consumer rights was notably evidenced by his collaboration with Senator Mike Fasano and members of the Florida Association for Insurance Reform (FAIR). His astute identification of inaccurate replacement cost valuations, which were unduly burdening consumers, resulted in a groundbreaking class action lawsuit against a state-run insurance agency. This landmark legal action catalyzed pivotal modifications in replacement cost methodology outlined in Senate Bill 408 (SB 408), offering substantial protections to consumers.
His active community involvement persisted from 2016 until the culmination of 2023. During this period, Anthony held esteemed positions as Secretary, Treasurer, and Director within the Hernando County Association of Realtors, alongside a managerial role in the Hernando County Information Services.
Anthony officially began his foray into the Florida real estate landscape in 2012. Transitioning from exploratory phases to a full-time commitment in 2015, he swiftly ascended in the profession. His exceptional performance led to pivotal roles, initially as an Assistant Market President and eventually as Market President/Managing Broker within a renowned luxury real estate brand.
In the face of adversities impacting real estate appraisers in Florida, Anthony took a proactive stance. Recognizing the unfair targeting through frivolous lawsuits, he provided compelling testimony across various committees, subcommittees, and ultimately the Florida House of Representatives and Senate. His advocacy culminated in the enactment of HB 213, the Limitation of Actions Involving Real Estate Appraisers and Appraisal Management Companies, signed into law by Governor DeSantis in June 2023.
Drawing upon his extensive experience as both a State Certified Residential Real Estate Appraiser and a Real Estate Broker, Anthony embraced the opportunity for a new chapter in his career. His pivotal role as COO/Broker/Owner at Bridge Point Business & Real Estate Advisors is a testament to his expertise, collaborative spirit, and unwavering commitment to both his colleagues and the public.